Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Eight things I've learnt whilst living abroad (using gifs)

1. Not everyone gets your sense of humour (although that happens to me at home, too).

2. It takes a bit of time to settle in. That's normal and it's something you have to get through. You might think, why have I left all my friends and family at home? WHAT AM I DOING HERE? But doing something different is good for you.

3. You're not going to understand everything people say to you which means you have to weigh up the decision of whether to ask them what they mean or just nod.

4. There's loads of admin to sort out like setting up a bank account, getting a foreign sim card and registering as a resident. It all takes twice as long as it's in another language. 

5. You find out that football, and not English, is the international language. 

6. You spend more time with other nationalities which makes you more open-minded, confident and tolerant. 

7. You learn that when you're forced to, you can become independent. 

8. And finally, you learn to love what the locals drink and eat. In my case...

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